Settling A Personal Injury Case

Many times, when people think of personal injury cases, they think of long processes drawn out in courtrooms, complete with a jury, a judge, and the nine yards. Many times, however, none of this ever happens. A settlement is the most likely route you and your attorney will take when presented one, or you may have to create one with your insurance company. It is important to have one of our highly trained experts at Portland Personal Injury Attorneys refer you to a lawyer that specializes in your particular accident field and on the injuries you sustained. If a settlement is reached between the other party involved or your insurance company, all lawsuits and litigation may be halted, and the entire process is stopped. Understanding what a settlement is and the settlement process in general is a very good thing to know if any of the above applies to you. Terms that are frequently used in personal injury cases are listed below, along with their explanations.

Pain and Suffering?

If you were injured in an accident, and you were not at fault – or at least, not “mostly” at fault – you should receive some amount of money for your pain and the impact the injury has had on your daily life. In accidents with minor, short-term injuries, it may be a small “token” amount. When injuries are more serious, painful and/or long-lasting, the settlement of the pain and suffering portion of your claim increases sharply. You deserve the compensation that will be given to you, and a personal injury lawyer can make sure that amount is the maximum possible.

Can I reject a settlement offer?

Absolutely. If you’ve filed an injury claim with an insurance company, or brought a personal injury lawsuit against the person who caused your injuries, you’re free to reject any settlement offer you receive. Oregon law allows you to freely reject any offers.

It’s true that most injury cases settle before going to trial, and a large number of claims even get resolved before a personal injury lawsuit is filed. But there are a number of valid reasons to reject a settlement offer and take the case to court. Maybe you and the other side are too far apart on key issues like who was at fault for the accident, or the extent of your injuries. Maybe you just want your “day in court.” If you want to pursue legal action even further than the settlement, you have the legal right to do so under Oregon law.

Where does insurance come into play?

When you’re injured, an insurance policy almost always comes into play, especially in the context of an accident where someone else may be at fault, whether a slip and fall, a car accident, or any other kind of incident.

A Final Word

Don’t let injuries sustained in an accident be your downfall. Under Oregon law, you are protected, and with the help of the experts and Portland Personal Injury Attorneys, we can set you up with a lawyer that will not only you get you the compensation you need, but who will also help you represent your case and guide you through the complex legal process.

19 comments to “Settling A Personal Injury Case”
  1. Interesting… I wish I’d seen it before hiring a lawyer. 🙁 Thanks for
    posting and just ignore the morons commenting before me.

  2. Gives the right advice – there is no formula – and then does go on to be
    real about what is involved. Does say things you probably don’t know! Just
    like a lawyer, his description has nothing to do with what he actually
    says. Good advertising technique, but if you are looking for a “formula”
    don’t go here.

  3. even with no Formula someone should know the answer to this ? has a
    Settlement gone up with in the past 5 years a fast Settlement 5 years ago
    might be only $500 now it might be $750 reson is everything goes up cost of
    living goes up why should a fast Settlement not go up botton line is
    everything go up you pay more for car (in) or even there is more people in
    the world if we kill a few of the people make room to walk around no one
    would get Injury even if car (ins) goes down there is more toda

  4. There is a discrepancy between what an insurance company values an injury,
    what a lawyer thinks the market value is on said injury, and what you will
    get awarded.

  5. The truth is there’s no formula. I am asked this question by 95% of my new
    clients. I understand why – everyone wants to know what something is worth.
    Let’s be real – a client wants to know what they stand to gain. The thing
    is, until certain things have been done, your lawyer cannot really say. I
    would love to know what a case will be worth right away – it would make my
    job a lot easier! Until things like a client’s medical treatment is
    complete, you just can’t say. Good lawyers don’t guess.

  6. 12:53 seconds for that? i would guess you could call that self indulgent.
    you could have done that in 60 seconds.

  7. It’s hardly ever a good idea for someone to settle a personal injury case
    on their own. The real hard reality of this is there is no formula, and the
    appropriate settlement for the client will depend on the circumstances
    surrounding their case.

  8. Very good information. There are a lot of factors that come into play when
    evaluating a personal injury claim. Good discussion of the vast majority
    of these factors.

  9. Very good information. There are a lot of factors that come into play when
    evaluating a personal injury claim. Good discussion of the vast majority
    of these factors.

  10. I don’t know what kind i Need but certainly a well known experienced
    A newbie that’s on top of this mess

  11. Here’s one of our most popular videos on figuring out the value of your car
    accident case

  12. There is certainly a difference between a formula and a methodology. Each
    case is different and this makes a great point about how juries may have a
    different perspective when they assign a monetary value to the claim.

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